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Monday, February 8, 2010

land acquisition procedure

Hi everybody
This is Vineet Deshmukh. As we had discussed in class, land acquisition is often the single most important risk in private financed transportation infrastructure. To emphasis how cumbersome the process is, I thought of sharing with you all the procedure for land acquisition as per the National Highways Act. the different steps of land acquisition are described in the different sections of the act, as follows:

3A(1) Notification in official gazette

3A(3) Notification in 2 local newspapers, 1 of which will be in vernacular language

3B Obtaining power to enter land for survey

3C Hearing of objections

3D Final & binding declaration of acquisition by notification in official gazette {has to be done within 1 year of 3A(1) excluding period of court injunctions}

3E Take possession within 60 days of service of notice

3F Right to enter land and do any act

3G Determination of amount payable as compensation after giving notice in 2 newspaper, inviting claims of persons with interest and resolving disputes if any through arbitration

3H Deposit of money to person entitled

So now you know why more often than not, our infrastructure projects are behind schedule.......

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